ins买粉 继欧洲之后 Facebook在南美洲降低视频清晰度

🟨🟧🟩🟦加vx: 『buyfensi』 - Sina science and technology news in the morning of March 24, Beijing time, according to foreign media reports, Facebook will reduce the definition of video on its social media platforms (including Facebook and instagram) in Latin America, after the company announced to take this approach in Europe. The move aims to ease the network congestion. Due to the outbreak of coronavirus, a large number of people work and study at home, resulting in a surge in network usage.🟨🟧🟩🟦

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新浪科技讯 北京时间3月24日早间消息,据国外媒体报道,Facebook将在拉丁美洲范围内,在其社交媒体平台上(包括Facebook和Instagram)降低视频的清晰度,此前该公司已经宣布在欧洲采取这个做法。此举旨在缓解网络拥堵现象,由于冠状病毒疫情导致大面积停工停学,大量人群在家中工作和学习,使得网络用量激增。

Sina science and technology news in the morning of March 24, Beijing time, according to foreign media reports, Facebook will reduce the definition of video on its social media platforms (including Facebook and instagram) in Latin America, after the company announced to take this approach in Europe. The move aims to ease the network congestion. Due to the outbreak of coronavirus, a large number of people work and study at home, resulting in a surge in network usage.

周日,Facebook作为世界上 大的社交网络服务,效仿欧洲Alphabet旗下的网飞、YouTube、亚马逊和迪士尼,响应欧盟的呼吁,降低视频清晰度,从而避免网络拥塞。


巴西 大的电视台旗下的流媒体视频平台GloboPlay宣布,为了保护巴西的互联网基础设施,并且让更多人可以观看其内容,他们将于本周一开始暂时提供4K和全高清(FHD)视频内容。



Anatel, Brazil's telecommunications regulator, has signed a commitment agreement with local operators and other service providers to ensure that Brazilians have access to the Internet during the outbreak of the new coronavirus, and has set up a crisis committee to coordinate actions and monitor data traffic and network capacity.


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