ins买粉 Facebook Gaming游戏直播中现可使用版权音乐

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社交媒体巨头本周一宣布,Facebook Gaming合作伙伴现允许在直播过程中播放受到观众认可的音乐。在 新一篇博文中,Facebook表示通过和音乐行业的合作,将向Facebook Gaming合作伙伴提供“丰富的流行音乐曲目”。


The social media giant announced on Monday that Facebook gaming partners are now allowed to play music that is recognized by the audience during live broadcast. In its latest blog post, Facebook said it would provide "rich pop music repertoire" to its gaming partners through its partnership with the music industry.


Facebook正在与包括环球音乐集团、华纳音乐集团和索尼音乐娱乐公司在内的音乐公司和出版商合作,为Facebook Gaming添加各种类型的音乐。Facebook指出,Level Up的创建者预计很快就会获得这一好处。

Facebook Gaming是这家社交媒体巨头在今年早些时候推出的一款免费移动应用,用户可以观看直播、玩即时游戏,并通过游戏群组进行沟通交流。

目前,所有创作者都可以通过Facebook的Sound Collection访问免费的定制音乐和音效库。在Facebook将版权音乐的使用范围扩大到所有游戏创作者之前,除了合作创作者之外,所有人都需要坚持使用Sound Collection中那些免版税的音乐选项。

Currently, all creators have access to a free library of customized music and sound effects through Facebook's sound collection. Before Facebook expands the use of copyrighted music to all game creators, everyone, except co creators, needs to stick to the royalty free music options in the sound collection.

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