ins买粉 Instagram推出AR博物馆新业务,已经与美国三个博物馆、机构合作

🟨🟧🟩🟦加vx: 『buyfensi』 - Instegram的虚拟博物馆将会采用这些博物馆的一些展品,用户只需要通过Instagram的应用内相机功能就可以访问这些内容,通过应用程序用户可以更加仔细地查看博物馆中的展览、艺术品和陈列品。- 超级ins涨粉丝网- 自助下单,安全快捷的粉丝购买平台🟨🟧🟩🟦



据了解,Instagram目前已经与美国三个博物和机构合作,共同推进这个新项目。而参与Instegram业务的博物馆包括凡尔赛宫、大皇宫和史密森尼学会,后者有十多家博物馆与之相关,包括美国 历史博物馆、史密森尼美国博物馆和史密森尼学会大楼。

It is understood that instagram has cooperated with three museums and institutions in the United States to jointly promote this new project. The museums participating in instegram business include Versailles Palace, Grand Palace and Smithsonian Institution. The latter has more than ten museums related to it, including the National Museum of American history, Smithsonian American Museum and Smithsonian Institution Building.






推出虚拟博物馆Instagram并非首家,今年早些时候,谷歌也推出了自己的虚拟博物馆体验平台,谷歌艺术与文化应用程序在今年上线,其与莫斯科达尔文 博物馆、伦敦自然历史博物馆等博物馆合作,为这些博物馆中的展品推出了AR版本。未来,在线上远程参观博物馆、逛展或将成为新的潮流。

Instagram is not the first to launch a virtual museum. Earlier this year, Google also launched its own virtual museum experience platform. Google's art and culture application went online this year. In cooperation with the Darwin National Museum in Moscow, the natural history museum in London and other museums, it launched ar versions for the exhibits in these museums. In the future, online remote museum visits and exhibitions may become a new trend.

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